NEPHROSPASIS | net-release von SF auf Abdicate Cell
Verfasst: 06.08.2007 (18:45)
PHARMAKUSTIK „Nephrospasis“
(label: ABDICATE CELL/Norwegen/AC041)
In the oliguria of acute sonoric insufficiency which occurs as a result of trauma and catharsis was born Nephrospasis, a horizontal acoustic area of extracellular fluids and blood-plasma-fractions. After reverberating fluid intake has been permanently increased and vasopressor response accelerated, the oliguric listener enters the acoustic phase of nephron nephrosis and uremic ambience. Absorption of harmonies by antiseptic cleansing.
01 Vasopressor response
02 Nephrospasis
03 Uremic coma
04 Laparoscopic splenopexy ... 8&Itemid=1