Mala Culebra - Mala Culebra

industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: Tardive Dyskinesia, thedi, chikan

Mala Culebra - Mala Culebra

Beitragvon TKBerlin » 24.06.2012 (16:33)

Mala Culebra – first stunning cooperation of the two well known noise artists Francesco Perdona (Arte Sacra Atelier) & Ariel G. Chapuis (Playing With Nuns)! The selftitled debut is published by the six netlabels Cubiculo Noise Recordings, Kermesse Records, Sirona Records, Plunk Noise Records, Electronic Etiquette Netlabel and kulturterrorismus!

Download this perfect blend of ambient, noise, industrial with a lot of ritual samples of Mala Culebra for free @ all collaborating labels!

Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 11.02.2011 (13:36)

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