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Torturing Nurse - "Eerie" (CD-R) Releasedate: 14.0

BeitragVerfasst: 07.05.2007 (11:41)
von Tardive Dyskinesia
Torturing Nurse - "Eerie" (CD-R)

IZ 02 / 14.05.2007 / DVD-Box (limited to 200 copies)


Die CD-R gibt es für 8,-€ zzgl. Porto bei Indie-ziert (Thonar Records Schwesterlabel).
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Torturing Nurse, Shanghai/Chinas premier pure Noise-outfit, are about to
release their latest recording "Eerie". Containing about 50 minutes of
ripping Harsh Noise, this is probably their best work up to now. Driven by
scorn and wrath on Chinese government, Torturing Noise create their both
brutal and intense soundscape for the apocalypse.


01. Ys
02. Jubilation
03. None Of

Upcoming Releases:

V.A. - Moral Hazard (CD)
Invisible Front - Interferences And Time (CD)

BeitragVerfasst: 07.05.2007 (17:24)
von DRF
I worked together with them once. Their noise is cool and chicks and noise do mix well! The girls in the group scream nice ;P.

BeitragVerfasst: 07.05.2007 (18:21)
von Klangdynamik
Oh ja, die Scheibe kickt wirklich :wink:

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