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20.2.2013 Noiseangriff24 @ Lauschangriff Berlin

BeitragVerfasst: 18.02.2013 (3:33)
von catzwailen

Ritalin War Dance (Sozialistischer Plattenbau)
DuranDuranDuran (Mutant Sniper/Planet Mu)
T3kamin (A_Sound, NoiseAngriff)
Christoph Fringeli (Praxis, NoiseAngriff)

starting 9pm!!!
It is meant to be an “early” night (by Berlin standards), meaning that we will go till one or two and then it will depend on the audience, the bar staff as well as ourselves if we carry on and make it a late one after all.

Incl. Praxis Record stall!
check and pick up your order at the party where you can also browse through and listen to a selection of our stock!

Rigaer Str 103
10247 Berlin

Re: 20.2.2013 Noiseangriff24 @ Lauschangriff Berlin

BeitragVerfasst: 02.03.2013 (15:12)
von Psycore@Paranoia
duran duran duran, geile scheiße und christoph