5.12.2012: Noiseangriff 20 @ Lauschangriff Berlin

industrial und artverwandter bereich

Moderatoren: And242, Tardive Dyskinesia

5.12.2012: Noiseangriff 20 @ Lauschangriff Berlin

Beitragvon catzwailen » 30.11.2012 (23:50)

Waiting for Daddy Frost to slap Arius


Dr. Nexus ( http://soundcloud.com/dr-nexus )

7-12 Hertz Rumbling ( http://www.dojo.electrickettle.fr )

Delmore Fx ( http://www.dasandereselbst.org/listen/b ... n_all.html )

Nico/Trema ( http://www.nicolasspencer.cl/d%28-_-%29b.html )

Resident djs: Crash 0.1, fgnugn

Visuals: Lain, Aikia (http://www.alessandraleone.com/)

entry on donation (Santa Claus hats admitted only by bringing along presents)

It is meant to be an “early” night (by Berlin standards), meaning that we will go till one or two and then it will depend on the audience, the bar staff as well as ourselves if we carry on and make it a late one after all.

Incl. Praxis Record stall!
check http://praxis.c8.com/shop and pick up your order at the party where you can also browse through and listen to a selection of our stock!



Rigaer Str 103
10247 Berlin
Zuletzt geändert von catzwailen am 05.12.2012 (5:41), insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 15.06.2012 (22:41)

Re: 5.12.2012: Noiseangriff 20 @ Lauschangriff Berlin

Beitragvon catzwailen » 03.12.2012 (3:22)


2 more sets: Delmore Fx and Nico/Trema
both from a crew called Das Andere Selbst ( http://www.dasandereselbst.org/index.html )
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 15.06.2012 (22:41)

Re: 5.12.2012: Noiseangriff 20 @ Lauschangriff Berlin

Beitragvon catzwailen » 05.12.2012 (14:01)

We have for tonight visual installations and , as always, absinth cocktails.
See you there.
Beiträge: 50
Registriert: 15.06.2012 (22:41)

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