1bomb1target vs hard off 7inch

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1bomb1target vs hard off 7inch

Beitragvon sambaisdead » 23.02.2006 (9:57)


The first seven inch by 1 Bomb 1 Target hit Cracked headquarters late last year the way it was intended to: like a fusion bomb into a kindergarten. Cracked said: ?One little noise record doesn?t do a lot in the history of music.? Now it is revealed that this was just the beginning of a big series of split releases featuring 1 Bomb 1 Target and likeminded artists like Zombie Flesheater, Noize Creator or, like in this case here, Hard Off. I have no idea if these are the names of real individuals or if, like Jean Bach used to do in his beginnings, these are just made up names to make people believe they were separate entities, and I don?t care. Because this is harsh and brutal and noisy as hell. This little record is like a infusion of noise viruses into your synapses making those tiny neurons burn with fever trying to dissect the information put in, then giving up and going home for a drink.

The track by hosting 1 Bomb 1 Target is a completely ripping piece of trash and according to the info sheet mangles Aphex Twin?s ?come to daddy?. Possibly so. Or somebody with a field mic taped to his head drilling his brain and then processing the sounds with lots and lots of noise. V/VM did a job much closer to the original, tough of course that ain?t judging. The mass of noise constructed by 1 Bomb 1 Target is mighty enough to stand on its own in any competetion. Whatever you make of this personally, you have to bring p respect for the consequential way in which they go and work their stuff.

Which brings me to the other contestant at head: Hard Off goes directly into the fucked up hyper-techno direction that would make Jean Bach?s little brutal rave bastards drool with anguish, but with a lot more fun, samples and power violent noise. Does that say ?check your penis?? Envisioned to tear out the boom boxes of a dozen styled up VW Golfs or Honda Accords, there are some violent usages and mutilations of nicey-nice guitar chords or chord changes. A wild ride through some unknown territory carved from the mainstream. If you are thinking V/VM now, you ain?t too wrong.

This is not for the weak, obviously, because even playing this seven inch at low volume won?t help you out a long way. Me, I have been listening to a lot more real noise lately than I used to in the last months and years, so I am beginning to think about buying Merzbow releases again

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