Crno Klank "Etat des Lieux" - erste Rezension

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Crno Klank "Etat des Lieux" - erste Rezension

Beitragvon adnoiseam » 29.12.2003 (19:07)

"Etat des lieux"
Ad Noiseam adn33 CD


You may ask who is Crno Klank, but he is C-drik Fermont, also known as C-drik, cdrk, kirdec and player with Ammo (with Johan Sellekaers/Xingu Hill), Axiome (with Olivier Moreau/Immeinent), Moonsanto (w ith Sellekaers & Silksaw), Ambre (with Moreau & Sellekaers) and Dead Hollywood Stars (with Sellekaers & Hervé Thomas/Hint). But maybe of more interest is his background: Greek parents, born in Congo, lived in Belgium and now in The Netherlands. His prime interest lies music, and especially rhythm, but he's also working with theatre, film, sound installations and much more. As Crno Klank he worked before, but the project was revived a few years ago as part of a performance including singers, african percussion and throat chants. It brough C-drik the idea to mix Korean, black African percussion and old school industrial and noise. Indeed an odd combination. It's not a combination that hasn't been tried out before, I must say. Maybe not in this form but something similar for sure. Muslimgauze has combined industrial music with arabic rhythms and 23 Skidoo combined gamelan with electronics. C-drik has found his own little niche. Heavy drumming of course going on most of the tracks (although there are beatless pieces such as 'Dromers' and 'Ontdekkingsreis', which are more good ol' industrial ambient), with piercing sound effects, mainly additions to the rhythms. The best piece is the machine, trainlike piece 'Engourdissement': manical drumming, piercing sounds - a great meltdown. It doesn't make me necessarily a devoteed industrial fan again, but I liked the idea and it's execution. (FdW)

Review from:
Vital Weekly,
Web, NL,
Beiträge: 399
Registriert: 28.08.2002 (15:18)
Wohnort: Berlin

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